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Fuzzy Sensors, 2006
Media: Hand-made conductive sensors from conductive yarns, rayon, machine embroidery, acrylic. 3"w x 4"h.
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Commissioned by Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Extreme Textiles, Designing for High Performance, Curated by Mathilda McQuaid, New York, NY, April 8 - October 30, 2005.
The Fuzzy Light Wall presents the viewer with a sampler of Fuzzy Sensor forms and textures made from different textile processes.
The sensors are created with pompoms, tufting, needle punching, and looped and cut pile. Various tactile effects are created. With IFM Design Studio.
Capactive e-textile sensors are simple. A circuit puts a charge on the textile, and whn the viewere touches it, the charge flowws through ther body and to ground. (Your body is a bib bag of salt water and conductive.)

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