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IFM's Loan Program

The IFM Sample Dimmer Board is an excellent tool to experience IFM's patented POM POM™ Wall Dimmer and ESSENTIAL™ Wall Dimmer, and share the exciting possibilities of electronic textiles with your clients. The IFM Sample Dimmer Board lending program is particularly useful for architects, designers and educators to demonstrate how fun and easy to use IFM's wall dimmers are.

Each Sample Dimmer Board comes to you ready to plug in and use. It includes a POM POM™ Wall Dimmer or ESSENTIAL™ Wall Dimmer fully installed on the Sample Dimmer Board with a light bulb. Simply plug in the Sample Dimmer Board and give it a gentle touch to turn the light on and off, and set varying light levels.

See a great video demo of the Sample Dimmer Board at GIZMODO. (Link will open in a new window.)

The IFM Sample Dimmer Board lending program is free. Borrowers only pay shipping to and from IFM. Participation requires a valid credit card number to be kept on file as a security deposit. You will only be charged if the sample boards are not returned, or returned in damaged or incomplete condition.

Thirty days after you receive the Sample Dimmer Board, you will receive an e-mail reminder from IFM that the loan period has expired. If you would like to keep the Sample Dimmer Board, it may be purchased at the retail price of $129. If you would prefer to return the Sample Dimmer Board at no additional cost, please ship it back to IFM within 14 days.You may be charged for boards not returned within the specified loan period.

Sample Dimmer Boards must be returned in the condition they were received. You may be charged up to the full retail price if the board is returned to IFM in poor condition or with pieces missing.

Contact IFM for additional details and to order your Sample Dimmer Board today.

Terms of Use

The IFM Sample Dimmer Board contains proprietary information and materials. These sensors are protected by US Patents, copyright, trademark and trade secret laws. IFM patents broadly cover the use of e-textiles as capacitive sensors and lighting controllers.

US Patent 7,054,133
International Patent 6,210,771

IFM Inc. grants the user of these kits a single use license for projects and fashion works. The user may not resell, reengineer or recreate any IFM e-textile materials without IFM permission.



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