Flexible Substrates for Dynamic Color Change Fabrics Orth,
M. Materials Research Society, MRS Press, (Fall 2002).
Sculpted Computational Objects, with
Smart and Active Computing Materials Orth, M. Thesis for
the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, MA, (May, 2001).
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E-broidery: Design and Fabrication of Textile-based Computing
Post, E.R., Orth, M., Russo, P.R., Gershenfeld, N. IBM Systems Journal,
Vol. 39, Nos 3&4, Armonk, NY, IBM Corporation, (2000).
The Embroidered Musical Ball: A Squeezable Instrument for Expressive
Performance Weinberg, G., Orth, M., and Russo, P. (short paper),
Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
(CHI 2000), The Hague: ACM Press, (2000).
Smart Fabric, or Washable Computing Post, E.R., Orth, M.
The Digest First IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers,
Cambridge, MA, (1998).
Fabric Computing Interfaces Orth, M., Post, R., and Cooper,
E. B. (short paper), The Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors
in Computing Systems, (CHI '98), Los Angeles, ACM Press, (1998).
Triangles: Tangible Interface for Manipulation and Exploration
of Digital Information Topography Gorbet,M., Orth M., and Ishii,
H. The Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
(CHI 1998), Los Angeles, ACM Press, (1998).
Triangles: Design of a Physical/Digital Construction Kit
Gorbet, M., and Orth, M. The Proceedings of Designing Interactive
Systems (DIS '97), Amsterdam, ACM Press, (1997) pp. 125-128.
Interface to Architecture: Integrating Technology into the Environment
of the Brain Opera Orth, M., The Proceedings of Design of Interactive
Systems, (DIS 1997), Amsterdam, ACM Press, (1997).